LionCircuits Turnkey PCB Support

Can you help us in sourcing electronic components?

At Lioncircuits we help our customers in procuring the components for their project.

To ensure the quality and reliability of your product, we procure all the components from the leading electronics distributors like Digi-Key, Mouser Electronics, Element14, Arrow Electronics, Avnet, RS Components, and so on.

Our automated Component Procurement Tool (BOM Scrubbing Tool) helps you in identifying and procuring components easily and effectively across various distributors. You can check the following details all under one tool,

  • Availability of components across various platforms
  • Get the best quotes
  • Find an alternative for a product

Login on your platform and select the Component Procurement option on your left to start uploading your BOM.


To know more about our Component Procurement Tool, watch the video on our PCB Component Sourcing page.


You can also visit our YouTube channel to watch this demo video.

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