
How to export Pick and Place Files using KiCad?

1) Once you are in Pcbnew editor , to export Pick and Place file

go to File >> Fabrication Outputs >> Footprint Position (.pos) File


2) A new window will pop up. Select the output directory where the files should be saved.

  • Kindly select below settings
  • Formart : CSV
  • Units : mm
  • Files : One file per side
  • Footprints Selection : With INSERT attribute set
  • and click on Generate File.


3) Once you click Generate File a output message will be displayed as shown below


4) As you can see separate CSV files has be exported for top and bottom


Once you open the document it should look like this


Kindly include both the CSV file in a single zip/rar folder and mail the zip folder to support@lioncircuits.com after placing the assembly order.

Here is the step by step Order Guide